Maaleipä Challenge Ceremony: IHME Helsinki x Safer Climate

Maaleipä Challenge Ceremony: IHME Helsinki x Safer Climate

The Climate Security Festival is organized in collaboration with IHME Helsinki. The annual IHME Helsinki Commissions, tailored for public spaces, spring from the dialogue between art and researched knowledge. This year’s commission is called Maaleipä, carried out by the London-based artist duo Cooking Sections.

The Maaleipä Challenge invites all home bakers, bakeries, restaurants, schools, and communities in Finland to create bread recipes that combine the well-being of land, water and people’s guts. The best recipes will be awarded at the Maaleipä ceremony at Kellohalli in Helsinki on 21 September 2024.

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CBSS Webinar: Climate Security

CBSS Webinar: Climate Security

Want to learn more about the interrelationship between climate change and societal stability? Attend a webinar on Climate Security organised by the Finnish Ministry of the Interior and Savonia University of Applied Sciences on 29 November 2023. The event is part of Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS).  Results from the Climate Security Festival 2023 will be presented in the webinar but Safer Climate is not part of organizing the event. Welcome!

Date: 29.11.2023, at 13-15 CEST, 14-16 EEST

Venue: Online, ZOOM (the link will be sent to registered users)

Registration: by 24th of November at

In Central European Time


13.00-13.05 Opening words, Mr. Jari Honkanen, FI Ministry of the Interior

13.05-13.15 Climate security as a part of Finland´s Presidency year in the Council of Baltic Sea States, Mr. Jyri Wuorisalo, Savonia University of Applied Sciences

13.15-13.30 How to cope with the world we are on our way to? Mr. Pekka Reinikainen, Finnish Red Cross

13.30-13.45 Climate security as concept and policy, Ms. Emma Hakala, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs

13.45-14.00 The EU in climate security, Mr. Juha-Pekka Jäpölä, European Commission/Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)

14.00-14.15 Climate security in wartime, Mr. Anton Tkachenko, Head of Economics Department, National Scientific Centre "Institute of Agriculture of NAAS" (Kyiv, Ukraine)

14.15-14.30 Climate crisis - no one is left behind, Mr. Petri Virtanen, Management Institute of Finland MIF

14.30-14.45 Combining research, civil society and arts: results from Finland’s first Climate Security Festival, Ms. Rosa Rantanen, University of Helsinki

14.45-15.00 Discussions and Closing remarks and ending of the webinar

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PAX-webinaari: Sota, ilmasto ja ympäristö

PAX-webinaari: Sota, ilmasto ja ympäristö

PAX-webinaari 16.11.2023: Sota, ilmasto ja ympäristö

Tule mukaan Rauhanjärjestö Sadankomitean PAX-webinaariin, jossa keskustellaan ajankohtaisista rauhanpoliittisista aiheista yhdessä asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Ohjelmassa myös Ilmastoturvallisuusfestivaalin tuloksia.

Webinaarissa esitellään syyskuussa ensimmäistä kertaa järjestetyn ilmastoturvallisuusfestivaalin ja sodan ilmasto- ja ympäristövaikutukset -työpajan tuloksia. Helsingin yliopiston Safer Climate -verkoston koordinaattori Rosa Rantanen johdattaa meidät tutkimuksen, kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja taiteen kentän toimijoiden yhteistyöhön. Keskustelemme myös sota, ilmasto ja ympäristö -työpajan tuloksista Jarmo Pykälän johdolla.

Webinaari pidetään 16.11.2023 klo 17-18 Zoomissa ja se on maksuton.

Ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan päättyy samana päivänä klo 12 mennessä. Lähetämme ilmoittautuneille Zoom-webinaarilinkin tapahtumapäivänä.

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Climate Security Festival
to Sep 22

Climate Security Festival

Welcome to the first ever Climate Security Festival! The event takes place on September 21-22 at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki. We invite you to take part in creating practical solutions and imagining futures that could ensure a safer climate for everyone. The festival is organized by Safer Climate & the Committee of 100 in Finland (Sadankomitea) together with the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Sivis Study Centre and Helsinki International Film Festival Love & Anarchy.

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Safer Climate Breakfast and Networking Event

Safer Climate Breakfast and Networking Event

An informative but informal network meeting with breakfast for Safer Climate members and others interested. Follow live discussion on Finland’s first climate litigation case and get to know others. You can familiarize yourself with the climate lawsuit filed by Greenpeace and the Finnish Union for the Conservation of Nature here.

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