The program is preliminary and subject to changes.

THURSDAY 19.9.2024 / 10- 16

Opening - setting the tone together

  • Dance performance /

    Ndjara Rasolomanana

    dancer and coreographer

  • Welcoming words /

    Safer Climate

Food Security: an Overview

  • Talk / Kaisa Karttunen

    Pro­fessor of Prac­tice in Global and National Food Security, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki

Art, Science and Sustainability

  • Talk / Paula Toppila

    Executive Director & Curator,

    IHME Helsinki

  • Short film and talk /

    Zhanna Kadyrova, artist


Parallel Workshops

FRIDAY 20.9.2024 / 10-16

Documentary Visiting the Dead (Elias Halabi 2023)

  • Documentary screening of Visiting the Dead and discussion by Tampere University Palestine Research Group

Coffee with an Installation

  • Installation Oskari Rockas and Stephen Webb


Parallel Workshops

SATURDAY 21.9.2024

IHME Helsinki Maaleipä Challenge Celebration from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Teurastamo Kellohalli in Helsinki.

Get to know more about Maaleipä and participate in the challenge by sending in your recipe by September 1st.

The artists behind Maaleipä: Cooking Sections