For festival information on how to arrive at the venue, festival guidelines, lunch options and more, click here

THURSDAY 19.9.2024 / 10- 16

Finnish Meteorological Institute, Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki

Read workshops descriptions here

Read more about the artwork presented at the festival

9.30 Arrival & coffee

10.00 Opening - setting the tone together

Dynamicum downstairs lobby

  • Dance performance /

    Ndjara Dance Company

  • Welcoming words /

    Safer Climate

10.30 Food Security: an Overview

Brainstorm auditorium

  • Talk / Kaisa Karttunen

    Pro­fessor of Prac­tice in Global and National Food Security, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki

11.15 KAHVITON Installation

Dynamicum downstairs lobby

  • Installation Oskari Rockas and Stephen Webb

11.30 Art, Science and Sustainability

Brainstorm auditorium

  • Talk / Paula Toppila

    Executive Director & Curator,

    IHME Helsinki

  • Short film and talk /

    Zhanna Kadyrova, Artist


Lunch (self-funded)


Parallel Workshops

  • What’s Fermenting?

    Outside, meeting in Dynamicum lobby 13.30

    • With: Aliisa Talja, artist & Samuli Laine, artist, WAUHAUS

    • Organizer: IHME Helsinki

  • Food and Emotions

    Aura seminar room

    • With eco-emotions experts

      Taneli Saari

      Executive Director, Tunne ry

      Juni Sinkkonen


    • Organizer: Tunne ry

  • Art-Science World Café: Safer Climate x Artists with Evidence

    Dynamicum downstairs lobby

  • Methods of activism, climate and food security

    Seminar room Terra

Some of the workshops might finish before 16.00. There is a possibility to stay and network in Dynamicum until 16.00, after which the doors will be closed.

16.00 Festival day ends

FRIDAY 20.9.2024 / 11-16


Documentary Visiting the Dead (Elias Halabi 2023) & Discussion

Brainstorm auditorium


Lunch (self-funded)

Lunch Coffee with an Installation (starting 13.45)

Dynamicum downstairs lobby

  • Installation Oskari Rockas and Stephen Webb

14.00 Parallel Workshops

  • Food Security and the Changing Environment

    Seminar room Aura

  • (re)Writing the future – objects, memory and narrative’

    Seminar room Aqua

  • Nuclear winter as an existential threat to food security

    Brainstorm Auditorium

    • With

      Kati Juva

      Claus Montonen

      Julia Jernvall

    • Organizer: ICAN Finland

  • Vesi ja rauha – aktivoiva työpaja (SUOMEKSI)

    Seminar room Terra

  • (Water and Peace - a participatory workshop in Finnish)

    • With

      Marko Keskinen

      Professor, Associate Professor on water resources management and policy at Aalto University

      Ronja Päivärinta

      Peace Ambassador, developer of water and peace game

      Rosa Puhakainen

      Human Rights Advisor, Head of Education  

    • Organizers: Committee of 100 in Finland, UN Association of Finland

    • Note: this workshop will be in Finnish! Huom! Tämä työpaja pidetään suomeksi

16.00 Joint discussion: next steps

Brainstorm auditorium

16.30 Festival ends

SATURDAY 21.9.2024

IHME Helsinki Maaleipä Feast from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Teurastamo Kellohalli in Helsinki.

Get to know more about Maaleipä and participate in the challenge by sending in your recipe by September 1st.

The artists behind Maaleipä: Cooking Sections