Main organizer: Sivis Study Center & Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation
Facilitators: Milla Holmberg (Sivis Study Center), Anne Tastula (Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation) & Anna Väänänen
Discussants include: Sirpa Pietikäinen (online) (Member of the European Parliament), Yared Demssie, Postdoctoral Eesearcher at the University of Oulu, Assistant Professor of Sustainability studies at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) (online)
The discussion about climate security is increasing in various sectors, including research, non-governmental organizations, education, and businesses. This topic is also gaining more visibility in the media. Because the phenomenon is relatively new, the ways of producing and disseminating information on the subject have not yet been established. Often, discussions on the topic, especially in the public, rely on a relatively small group of researchers and security policy experts.
In this workshop, we ask who produces information related to climate security, how it is shared among stakeholders, who claims ownership of the climate security discourse, and how equality is ensured in the generation, dissemination, and utilization of information. What kind of information is produced at different levels, what is needed, and how does information flow between (local, national, EU, global) levels?

Main organizer: Safer Climate
Facilitator: Eugenia Castellazzi (University of Helsinki), Juni Sinkkonen (Tunne ry, psychologist), Philip Heron (Think Like a Scientist, researcher, University of Toronto), Raisa Foster (Artist)
Discussants include: Teemu Mäki (Artist), James Williams (Think Like a Scientist, Spectrum First), Rosa Rantanen (Safer Climate, INAR, University of Helsinki)
Effects of climate change, biodiversity loss and poor air quality are an increasing cause of mortality and decrease in wellbeing globally. They also affect our mental health and psychosocial wellbeing negatively. We need natural scientists, social scientists, artists and civil society to work together to create new solutions to these challenges and to help us surviving the grim changes and loss that we are inevitably facing. In this workshop, we use scientific and artistic approaches and acknowledge the power of experiencing things together.

Main organizer: Committee of 100 in Finland
Facilitator: Kalim Ul-Masih (Phoenix Coaching Oy)
Discussants: Emma Hakala (FIIA), Jyri Wuorisalo (Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Juha Mäkinen (Just and Unjust Environmental Wars -research group), Lassi Heininen (University of Lapland)
The workshop explores the understanding of war, climate change, and environmental impacts, and the connections between them. This workshop looks into how national defense and military actors seek to mitigate the effects of climate change. Questions are raised about how environmental protection should be integrated into the training, conduct, and reconstruction efforts of armed forces and what contradictions can we identify with other societal and political actions?
On the other hand, environmental destruction is also used as a means of warfare. What is actually being safeguarded, and is the environment a part of it? The impacts of climate change also exacerbate existing problems and root causes of conflicts, such as disputes over land, water, and natural resources, food shortages, and refugee crises. What kind of views do we hold on the intrinsic value of nature?