Guidelines for Participants

  • The Climate Security Festival 2024 brings together researchers from various fields, civil society actors, security experts, private businesses, artists, activists, and others interested in discussing the risks related to climate change, aiming for an open and equal space.  

    The festival aims to foster cooperation between different actors. The entire festival and workshops are developed together with the participants in order to move beyond sector boundaries and to find new forms of cooperation. The festival is an open platform that you are welcome to join, and which is intentionally not fully defined in advance. 

  • Festival sessions and workshops will be held under the Chatham House Rule to ensure an open debate. The program consists of discussions, talks, participatory and artistic methods. Some of the workshops have a limited number of space.

    We kindly ask participants to observe the following rules:

    • Concentrate and be present – refrain from using computers or phones during the workshop

    • Listen, assemble, and build something new – familiarize yourself with the principles of a good conversationalist (Timeout Foundation)

    • Encourage equal discussion – participants primarily represent themselves, not their organizations

    • The purpose of sessions is to offer perspectives on ongoing changes "over the horizon" and to focus on issues of future importance

    Observations and results of the festival will be collected and presented on Friday, September 20, at the end of the festival in the main hall.

    Some of the discussions and workshops touch upon topics that can be difficult and personal in different ways (such as war, death, hunger, climate anxiety) and in some workshops there is also an element of personal emotional reflections. Please be aware of limits and well-being of others and yourself when considering what you share, what kind of space you take, what ways of working suit you and what topics my feel triggering to you. Always feel free to remove yourself from a space at any time or ask for support from the organizers on site. You can also leave us feedback anonymously via this form.

  • The Climate Security Festival will be held at the Finnish Meteorological Institute's Dynamicum main building (see location on Google Maps). The Finnish Meteorological Institute is located on Kumpulanmäki, adjacent to the Kumpula Campus of the University of Helsinki, at Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki. 

    Kumpulanmäki is located alongside the busy Kustaa Vaasan tie, approximately 5 kilometers from the city center of Helsinki. The journey from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport takes around 45 minutes. We recommend using public transportation, biking, or walking to reach the venue, as parking spaces at Kumpulanmäki are very limited. 

    For more information on how to get to Dynamicum and public transportation schedules and routes, you can visit and the Helsinki city bikes website. 

    Note:  Film screening and discussion on Fri 20.9. 11-13 will be held at room A110, Chemicum Helsinki University Kumpula Campus (A.I. Virtasen aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki). The University Buildings are located right next to the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

  • Festival participants have the option of self-paid meals during the event. 

    Within the premises of Dynamicum, there is a lunch restaurant called Tornado, and a café called Arktis, both open on weekdays from 8 AM to 2 PM. You can also buy coffee, tea and other refreshments from them during the day.

    For example, the price for a vegetarian lunch is 8,80 euros and it includes coffee or tea.

    There are also University of Helsinki cafeterias at the Kumpula campus.

    We accept the most common payment methods, such as debit cards, credit cards, contactless payment, and mobile payment options with contactless functionality. We do not accept cash at the event. 

  • We strive to communicate as clearly as possible and improve the accessibility of the festival.  

    The indoor facilities of the Finnish Meteorological Institute are wheelchair accessible, with entrances either being accessible or having a ramp. Access to the lower level of Dynamicum is available via an elevator, and there are designated accessible seats in the auditorium. For further info, you can contact the FMI switchboard by phone (+358 29 539 1000).

    Room 110 in Chemicum (screening on Friday 11-13) is accessible. You can contact the building porter in advance if you have further questions about accessibility.

  • We are committed to promoting principles of equity, environmental and social responsibility, justice, and safety. These values are reflected in the event production, recruitment, and program planning for the festival.

    We expect the event staff, performers, partners, and subcontractors to also adhere to these same values and principles. 

  • The idea of organizing the Climate Security Festival arose when the employees of the SaferClimate network and the peace organization Committee of 100 in Finland met in late 2022. Right from the start, it was clear that the Climate Security Festival should be an open platform where different stakeholders make decisions together.

    Safer Climate publishes the festival under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA license. In order for humanity to adapt to climate change and biodiversity loss, all the activities implemented at the festival must also be released under the CC BY-SA license.