Note: extended deadline - secure your spot by registering now!


Register to the Climate Security Festival by filling in the registration form no later than 16.9.2024 by clicking the button below.

The event is organized at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Kumpula, Helsinki. There is space for a 100 participants and the spots are filled by first come, first serve principle. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend so that we can give your spot to someone else. The event is in-person only.

The Climate Security Festival is open and free for everyone interested but registration is required.

The Maaleipä Challenge Award Ceremony, organized by our partner IHME Helsinki, takes place on Saturday September 20th (14-18) at the Teurastamo Kellohalli in Helsinki and does not require registration. You can find more info about the challenge and the event here.

Who Is It For?

We welcome, for example, researchers from different fields, practitioners, civil society representatives, activists, artists, climate security experts and students. This year’s festival theme is food security, but previous experience or expertise with the theme is not required.

In this event, your approach is more important than your title. We are encouraging the participants to commit to participating for two days, to discuss as humans first and to present themselves without titles. We encourage everyone to not use their electronic devices during the sessions. During the event, we follow Chatham house rules. Every participant is expected to commit to the principles and safer space guidelines of Safer Climate.

The main language of the event is English but we do our best to help with translating and e.g. facilitating small group discussions in Finnish or other languages whenever necessary.


We offer the opportunity to utilize the premises during the festival and showcase research or climate tools, models, art projects and materials produced by your organization. Please note that the space is intended for presenting various non-commercial services, and we do not provide sales or promotional tables for commercial activities. 

Kindly inform us during your event registration if you are interested in presenting a poster.

The size of the posters displayed at the Climate Security Festival is either A1 (594 × 841mm) or A0 (841 × 1189mm). Posters will be on display throughout the entire event, and attendees will have the chance to explore them during breaks between sessions or designated presentation times. Poster presenters should be available during the poster presentation time that will be confirmed later.

Presenters are responsible for printing their own posters in the appropriate size and setting them up in the poster stand before the beginning of the festival. The poster exhibition will be located in the lower level of Dynamicum, adjacent to the auditorium. 


Festival participants have the option of self-paid meals during the event. 

Within the premises of Dynamicum, there is a lunch restaurant called Tornado, and a café called Arktis, both open on weekdays from 8 AM to 2 PM. 

The price for a vegetarian lunch is 8,80 euros and the participants will be offered afternoon coffee.

We accept the most common payment methods, such as debit cards, credit cards, contactless payment, and mobile payment options with contactless functionality. We do not accept cash at the event. 


The Climate Security Festival is an accessible and open event for everyone. We strive to communicate as clearly as possible and improve the accessibility of the festival.  

The indoor facilities of the Finnish Meteorological Institute are wheelchair accessible, with entrances either being accessible or having a ramp. Access to the lower level of Dynamicum is available via an elevator, and there are designated accessible seats in the auditorium.