A peer discussion
Thursday 19.9 13.30-16.00
Outdoors, meeting at Dynamicum lobby
Max 30 participants
Facilitated by artists Aliisa Talja and Samuli Laine (WAUHAUS) What's Fermeting? is a pause, a moment for personal reflection and a space for sharing. The event invites people together to stop and share in a world shaken by diverse crises of sustainability.
During the afternoon we will tune into sensing our relationship to the environment, as well as the thoughts and experiences related to environment, food, and environmental crises. We will discuss these topics and evoke thoughts about means of change.
Note: this workshop will take place outdoors in Kumpula campus area. If you’re planning to join this workshop, please note that it requires moving outside and make sure to dress according to the weather (in case of heavy rain the workshop will be inside).
This workshop is a part of the IHME Helsinki x Climate Security Festival.
Thursday 19.9. 13.30-16.00
Dynamicum downstairs lobby
In this informal discussion we use the World Café method to discuss questions at the intersection of art, research, climate and food security. What kind of perspectives and solutions can art-science approaches provide to food security? How can we strengthen structural collaboration between art organizations and academia? In this session you can bring your ideas, questions and concrete collaboration suggestion ideas to the table, network and find new partnerships and friends. Facilitated by Ines Montalvao (Artists with Evidence) and Rosa Rantanen (Safer Climate), the discussion is open for anyone interested.
Organizer: Artists with Evidence, Safer Climate
Thursday 19.9. 13.30-15.30
Seminar Room Aura
In this workshop, we will focus on the complex relations between food security, food insecurity and (eco)emotions. The workshop is hosted by Taneli Saari and Juni Sinkkonen from Tunne ry.
Perjantai 20.9 14.00-16.00
Seminaarihuone Terra
Työpajan kuvaus:
Vesi ja rauha – aktivoiva työpaja (suomeksi)YK ja kansainväliset ihmisoikeuselimet ovat tunnustaneet puhtaan veden saannin sekä rauhan perusoikeuksina, jotka kuuluvat kaikille ihmisille. YK:n yleiskokous tunnusti jo vuonna 2010 päätöslauselmalla puhtaan veden ja sanitaation ihmisoikeudeksi ja on huomioinut veden saannin yhä kasvavana haasteena monien konfliktien ja kriisien taustalla.
Tässä työpajassa tutustutaan tutustumaan rauhaan ja veteen liittyviin kysymysiin, vesidiplomatiaan erikoistuneen apulaisprofessori Marko Keskisen alustuksen kautta, pohditaan veteen liittyviä konflikteja ja niiden ratkaisuja rauhanlähettiläs ja opettaja Ronja Päivärinnan luoman lautapelin kautta ja tuottamaan YK-liiton sanataidemenetelmän keinoin omat ajatuksesi ja ehdotuksesi näkyville, miten veden ja rauhan oikeusperustaa voitaisiin vahvistaa. Heittäydy mukaan!
Työpajan järjestävät rauhanjärjestö Sadankomitea ja Suomen YK-liitto -
How is the changing environment impacting food security?
Friday 20.9 14.00-16.00
Aura seminar room
The changing climate, global pandemics, and various geopolitical shocks, such as the war in Ukraine, have significantly affected our food systems with implications to food security. In this session, three university researchers will share and discuss key findings from their work.
Sara Heikonen from Aalto University will discuss the impacts of climate change on food production, Timo Sipiläinen from University of Helsinki will present the farmer’s perspective, and Laura Salmivaara from University of Helsinki will explore the consumer’s viewpoint on the issue.
This workshop is organized by RESET, Resilient and Just Systems (University of Helsinki).
Friday 20.9 14.00-16.00
Seminar Room Aqua
For this workshop, Artists with Evidence is collaborating with Arizona State University - Center for Science and the Imagination to bring to the festival participants a workshop with writer Pippa Goldschmidt.
The workshop “(re)Writing the Future: Objects, Memory, and Narrative" led by Pippa Goldschmidt will engage participants in exploring how past trauma connected to land or cities can be addressed through creative interaction with the environment. Using prompts and physical objects tied to the land or cityscape, participants will explore healing, with urban gardening as an example of reconnection. The workshop includes collective writing, where participants will rework existing texts, symbolising how we continually reshape landscapes while retaining traces of the past. The session will last two hours, allowing time for thoughtful reflection and creative writing.
Pippa Goldschmidt lives in Edinburgh and Berlin. She has a background in astronomy and is an Honorary Fellow at the Science, Technology and Innovation Studies unit at the University of Edinburgh. In 2020, she co-edited (with Drs Gill Haddow and Fadhila Mazanderani) Uncanny Bodies; a specially commissioned anthology of fiction and essays responding to Freud’s uncanny, and published by Luna Press. Her most recent books are the non-fiction essay Night Vision (Broken Sleep Books) and a short story collection about women in science; Schrödinger’s Wife (and other possibilities) (Goldsmiths Press/Gold SF). Her work has been broadcast on BBC Radio 4 as well as appearing in ArtReview, Tamarind, BBC Sky At Night magazine, the Times Literary Supplement, Gutter and Magma.
Pippa is one of the authors featured in the Climate Action Almanac (check our Link in BIO), published by the Center for Science and the Imagination at ASU with MIT Press. -
Friday 20.9. 14.00-16.00
Brainstorm Auditorium
The aim of the workshop is to review the climate effects of a nuclear war and its effects on food security. Even a regional nuclear war would cause a significant decrease in solar radiation and a cooling of the climate as a result of firestorms, dust and soot rising into the atmosphere. This nuclear winter could spread throughout the Northern hemisphere and lasts for years. As a result, food production would be significantly weakened and the population threatened with famine.
In the workshop, the mechanisms of the occurrence of nuclear winter and its strength in different scenarios (depending on the strength and number of nuclear weapons used) will be reviewed. In particular, the possibilities of food production in Finland are evaluated, e.g. as the growing season shortens. Different calculations have been made for this, depending also on whether it is possible to switch to a plant-based diet and reduce food waste. The participants will discuss, for example, the possible security of supply in such a situation, when foreign trade is likely to wane.
We will also reflect on what kind of climate effects nuclear war can have even on countries not participating in the war and how awareness of the issue can be increased.
Thursday 13.30-16.00
Seminar Room Terra
Max 30 participants
Where do we need activism? How can we make the difference and change the world?
Long time activist and communications specialist, Juhis Ranta (Communications Specialist, Activism Expert) presents history and methods of activism that can be used to make a difference in various different issues. Participants gets to reflect their own agency and to get some inspiration to battle the threats of food security.
This workshop is organized by Committee of 100 in Finland.