Join our network get-together 24.2.2023 - tule mukaan verkostotapaamiseen!

Welcome to join our Safer Climate get-together to meet others, learn more and share your work & opinions in a relaxed atmosphere! You can participate in one or both sessions. The first session is in Zoom, but you can also come to listen to it in person if you want. The second part is in-person. Please register by 22.2 to secure your spot and coffee/tea (but if you miss the deadline, you can just pop by anyway).Program and more info below. Please register here to confirm your spot and coffee/tea service. Welcome!

DATE & TIME: Fri 24.2.2023 14.15-17.00

VENUE: Porthania building, University of Helsinki

ROOM: P219 Lehtisali, 2nd floor

ADDRESS: Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki 



14.15 - 15.00 brief info: 'science sparring' for civil society (ONLINE)

Zoom link:

-what is science sparring for civil society?

-how to get involved?


15.00 - 17.00 Safer Climate get together

-network updates

-member presentations:

-collecting greetings to Brussels/European Parliament for an upcoming visit

-discussion continues on-site

Part 1 is online (but you can also come to Porthania with your laptop then, I'll be there!). For part 2, I strongly recommend on-site participation, but if you are in another city or country, you can follow the beginning of the program online. 

The event is open for all Safer Climate members, collaborators and new interested people. There will be some coffee/tea and snacks available. The language is English/Finnish according to participants' needs. 

Contact info: Rosa Rantanen, rosa.rantanen(a), +358 503360785


(FIN) Tervetuloa Safer Climate-tapaamiseen 24.2! Ilmoittaudu tällä lomakkeella Zoom-yhteydellä järjestettävään tiedesparrausinfoon (14.15 - 15.00) ja/tai vapaamuotoiseen verkostotapaamiseen paikan päällä (15.00 -17.00). Tapahtuma on avoin kaikille Safer Climate-jäsenille, yhteistyökumppaneille ja uusille kiinnostuneille. Tarjolla on kahvia ja pientä (kasvis)purtavaa.  Ilmoittaudu tämän lomakkeen kautta varmistaaksesi paikkasi ja tee/kahvitarjoilu (voit kuitenkin tulla paikalle myös rekisteröitymättä). Tapahtuman kieli on englanti/suomi osallistujien tarpeen mukaan. Tervetuloa!


Safer Climate Newsflash! 2/2023


From Data to Action - Safer Climate at the ACCC & Finnish Atmospheric Network conference