The festival is almost here - get to know the (side) program!

It is almost here, the first ever Climate Security Festival! Check the program here

The program focuses on workshops where participants gather to discuss together. The workshops are titled

1) War and It’s Effect on Climate and the Environment

2) Climate, Death and (Mental) Wellbeing

3) Who owns the climate security discussion?

You can find the more detailed workshop descriptions here.

At the moment, the festival is fully booked and we are looking forward to welcoming our participants from various (professional) backgrounds and with diverse expertise and experience!

Side program: security walk, pictures from Ukraine and discussion on peace, love and movies

Remember to also get to know the festival’s side program that is open for anyone interested, also those not registered.

Photo exhibition: Life Goes On - chronicles of Russo-Ukrainian war

Finnish-Ukrainian art project “Life goes on – chronicles of Russo-Ukrainian war” discusses the impact of Russia's invasion through the lens of young Ukrainian photographers. The narrative moves in the past and the present, describing young people's feelings about war and peace, leaving home and friends behind. The exhibition also looks to the future, asking how not only the buildings but also the young people's world view and faith could be rebuilt.

The photo exhibition will be displayed in the main building of the Finnish Meteorological Institute on 21-22 September, 2023. More info

Safety Walk - Turvallisuuskävely

The climate safety walk (21.9) in the Kumpula area is a novel way to consider both the local impacts of extreme weather events and to develop area-specific preparedness. During the walk, participants will receive information about the climate crisis and have the opportunity to reflect on the local effects of extreme weather in Kumpula.

The safety walk is intended for residents of Kumpula or nearby areas, preparedness experts, and anyone interested in preparedness. The event will be held in Finnish. More info


1:00–3.30 PM Expert presentations in Kumpulan Kylätila

  • Antti Mäkelä (Finnish Meteorological Institute) - Climate change and extreme weather phenomena in Helsinki

  • Susanna Kankaanpää (City of Helsinki, Urban Environment Division) - Preparedness for climate change in Helsinki

  • Tuuli Parviainen (Helsingin yliopisto) - Climate safety walk and local preparedness

13.30–14.45 Around 2.5 km walk in Kumpula

14.45–15.30 Final discussion and summary in Kumpulan Kylätila

Movie Screening + Discussion: Peace, Love and Anarchy

As the world burns and conflicts rage, is there room for peace, love and movies in the security discourse? On International Day of Peace, the topic will be discussed, inspired by the film White Plastic Sky.

The event is organised by the Safer Climate Network and the Committee of 100 as part of the Climate Security Festival, in cooperation with the National Audiovisual Institute. Discussants: Saara Saarela (film director), Teemu Mäki (artist), Ida Reini (Chronicles of Russo-Ukrainian War). The debate will be moderated by Rosa Rantanen, founder of Safer Climate.

The panel discussion is free to attend. For the film screening a ticket must be booked in advance. More info & tickets




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