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Safety walk

  • Kumpulan kylätila 31 Intiankatu Helsinki, Uusimaa, 00560 Finland (map)

The climate safety walk in the Kumpula area is a novel way to consider both the local impacts of extreme weather events and to develop area-specific preparedness. During the walk, participants will receive information about the climate crisis and have the opportunity to reflect on the local effects of extreme weather in Kumpula.

The safety walk is intended for residents of Kumpula or nearby areas, preparedness experts, and anyone interested in preparedness. The event will be held in Finnish.


1:00–3.30 PM Expert presentations in Kumpulan Kylätila

  • Antti Mäkelä (Finnish Meteorological Institute) - Climate change and extreme weather phenomena in Helsinki

  • Susanna Kankaanpää (City of Helsinki, Urban Environment Division) - Preparedness for climate change in Helsinki

  • Tuuli Parviainen (Helsingin yliopisto) - Climate safety walk and local preparedness

13.30–14.45 Around 2.5 km walk in Kumpula

14.45–15.30 Final discussion and summary in Kumpulan Kylätila

September 21

Life Goes On - Chronicles of Russo-Ukrainian War - exhibition

September 21

Peace, Love and Anarchy - Film screening